Eva Burch for AZ Senate

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about evA

Eva BurchEva was born and raised in Arizona and attended valley public schools from kindergarten through high school. She studied nursing at Pima Medical Institute in Mesa and began a career in emergency nursing in 2012. In her many years working in high volume, high acuity emergency departments in Phoenix and Mesa, she saw firsthand the impact that insurance status, food insecurity, access to education, homelessness, and multiple other disparities have on individuals, families, and communities in Arizona. Eva committed to returning to school to obtain her master’s degree and nurse practitioner credentials and became dedicated to improving the lives of Arizonans through compassionate and comprehensive healthcare. Eva is a nurse at heart and believes in the values that nursing expects within the profession. Among them are altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, honesty, and justice. These are the values Eva promises to bring with her to the Arizona legislature as she advocates for a better, more inclusive Arizona that works for everyone. She is currently a precinct committee person in legislative district 9 and lives in Mesa with her husband, her two young sons, and her 2 dogs.

Position Statements


Eva supports an Arizona where everyone has access to affordable, high-quality healthcare. Year after year, Arizonans have a higher-than-average uninsured rate, and pay too much for prescription medications. Families should not go bankrupt over medical bills, and we need leaders who are dedicated to building a healthcare system that does not leave children, the elderly, or the poor behind. Eva knows that with the right legislation and the right distribution of resources, we can create healthier communities by expanding access to preventative healthcare and lowering the cost of prescription drugs. We must also expand access to KidsCare and make sure our seniors receive the Social Security benefits they paid into throughout their lives.


Eva will work towards an Arizona where high-quality education is the standard regardless of the wealth of the community. Our students deserve reasonable classroom sizes as well as highly qualified teachers who are well paid. We must ensure that our public schools have access to books, technology, support staff, nutrition, and equipment that best supports students and teachers. Eva understands that a well-educated community benefits every Arizonan. It reduces crime, improves standard of living, and creates opportunities for people to lift themselves out of poverty and contribute to their neighborhoods. When we invest in students and teachers, we build a better Arizona where we can create and maintain our own talent to grow our economy and our future.


Eva wants to create an Arizona where safe and affordable housing is accessible to everyone. Where first time home buyers have realistic opportunities and resources to get into homes and renters have protection against predatory price-gouging and drastic rent increases. Where community development is not focused solely on maximizing profits but on building a better Arizona for working class individuals and families. Eva believes that the American dream belongs to us all and that communities are safer and stronger when individuals have pride of ownership. We must increase funding to the Arizona Housing Trust Fund and support legislation to protect renters.


Across Arizona families are dealing with the rising cost of living but wages are not keeping up. Too many of us are struggling to meet even basic needs. We must increase the minimum wage, support working families with paid family and medical leave, and support legislation to help small businesses thrive. We should incentivize companies to establish themselves in Arizona and hire Arizona workers. Eva also supports investments in clean energy and transportation.

Voting Rights

Nothing could be more fundamental to our democracy than our right to vote, and Eva promises to work diligently in the senate to protect that right and to make sure that every Arizonan has equal access to their voting power, including the option to vote by mail. Eva will push back against voter suppression legislation while also working hard to maintain the integrity and security of our elections. 

Reproductive Freedom

Eva has shared her personal story about abortion on the floor of the Arizona State Senate and the importance of abortion access. Eva knows the importance of having access to abortions, contraceptives, and overall reproductive freedom. As a healthcare provider, she knows that these decisions about healthcare should be made between an individual and their doctor, not politicians. Eva will fight to ensure that these deeply personal matters stay out of politicians hands.

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